Borderlands 2 bug wipes Badass ranks en meer

RDJ134 27 september 2012 om 02:29 uur

Het eerst volgende review van zal die van Borderlands 2 zijn, en deze blijkt nu last te hebben van een behoorlijk weirde bug. Want veel gamers blijken opeens hun status, Achievements en rank kwijt te zijn, deze bug die zich random manifesteerd doet zich voor op de PC, PlayStation 3 en de Xbox 360.

So there's this bug in Borderlands 2. It wipes out players' Badass Ranks, golden keys, heads and skins with no chance of redemption, at times lowering stats to unplayable levels. The bug affects Xbox 360, PS3 and PC versions of Borderlands 2 and it doesn't appear to follow a pattern of attack. Seems like a big deal.

The bug, viewable in the above video, doesn't reset any of the challenges it erases, meaning players can't go back and try to complete them again. A 300-response thread on the official Gearbox forums chronicles players who have encountered the bug, though Gearbox Community Manager Chris Faylor says it is a "fairly rare" occurrence.

"Thanks for all the reports and specific details, folks," Faylor writes in the forum. "Our engineers are looking into this, and the information you've provided has proven to be a great resource while we investigate. At the moment, it seems to be a fairly rare issue and we'll keep you updated on when we resolve it."
