Tony Scott was niet terminaal toen hij zelfmoord pleegde

RDJ134 24 oktober 2012 om 00:32 uur

Een kleine twee maanden geleden pleegde regisseur Tony Scott zelfmoord door in Los Angels van een brug te springen. Al snel deden er diverse geruchten de ronde dat hij terminaal kanker had en dat dit de reden van zijn zelfmoord was. Maar het autopsie raport is nu openbaar en daar uit blijkt dat hij niet terminaal was, maar wel diverse anti depressia in zijn bloed had. Hoe dan ook het is jammer dat deze man die ons zoveel vermaak bracht het leven niet meer zag zitten.

Director Tony Scott was not suffering from cancer and did not have any serious underlying medical conditions - including cancer - at the time of his suicide, chief coroner investigator Craig Harvey said.
Los Angeles County coroner's officials released their final cause of death in the 68-year-old's suicide, finding that he died of multiple blunt-force injuries after leaping from the Vincent Thomas Bridge. The director also had therapeutic levels of the sleep aid Lunestra and the anti-depressant Mirtazipine, also known as Remeron, in his system, according to results of toxicology tests.
Harvey told The Times that investigators found no pre-existing conditions in Scott, based on both the autopsy and medical records.

Harvey said investigators interviewed Scott's family, but the discussion shed no light on the suicide.
Several of Scott's associates told The Times that the director had mentioned back or hip problems in the months prior to his death, but many said they had no indication it was anything other than business as normal for the director-producer.
"He was completely on a high - laughing and energetic," said Elizabeth Gabler, whose Fox 2000 studio division made "Man on Fire" and was developing Scott's next film, "Lucky Strike." They were scheduled to discuss script notes on the morning after he died, she said.
