Sleeping Dogs developers houden je in de gaten

RDJ134 26 oktober 2012 om 15:41 uur

Niet alleen de overheid wilt graag weten wat jij allemaal doet, maar ook makers van video games. Want volgens de website Kotaku wordt je hele speel sessie gemonitord en opgeslagen voor bestudering. Dit alles is voor je eigen veilghei... ik bedoel je speel ervaring te verbeteren. Mocht Rockstar dit ook doen, dan zien ze mij geheel volgens tradite met Grand Theft Auto eerst naar de hoeren gaan, die dood slaan en mijn geld terug pakken.

Here's how it works: a game like Sleeping Dogs will continually monitor and record the way you play, the options you select and the decisions you make. On a basic level this means things like tracking whether you invert your controls or not, but more elaborately it's detected the fact some people are finding some parts of the game too difficult (presumably through the number of deaths recorded), so an impending update will make some difficulty tweaks.

In addition to just fixing things, it's also showing the publisher what people enjoy most in the game and how they've reacted to choices presented, which will influence "strategic decisions" made with regards to the game.

Asked what else can be gained from studying player behaviour so closely, Square's Chris Dillon says "I'll tell you what they like. They like violence. Clearly, people want to have new ways of creating havoc and chaos and carnage in that open world. That's what excites them so that's something that we're looking into at the moment about how we deliver that to them."
