Bodycount developers interview

RDJ134 4 juni 2010 om 20:46 uur

De website had een developers interview met niemand minder dan Stuart Black, want deze is druk bezig met de first person shooter (FPS) Bodycount. Deze zal bekende elementen uit de shooter Black hebben en een verhaalstuctuur als een tv-serie.

"Gun porn" became the catchphrase to describe Black, the FPS you co-created at Criterion. It appears Bodycount features that same kind of attitude.

If I'm going to make a shooter, I like a very particular kind of shooting. If I'm going to make a shooter, there's going to be a lot of Black in that DNA. That's the kind of shooters I like to make; hence, why Black came out that way. I was reticent to make another shooter, because I didn't want to make just a Black 2, and EA owned the rights to Black, and Black is very much Alex Ward's baby. I helped him make it, but it was his thing.

So the challenge is: "How do I take the gameplay that I infused in Black, and set that in a new, different framework?" The world's moved on a lot since the days of Black, and that kind of story was very driven by 24. We were big fans of 24 and Alias, and we didn't get that Alias stuff into Black. And so I thought, I was always a bit sad that we didn't get that sense of fun into that. With the world the way it is now -- there's enough of bad stuff happening in the world -- I don't need my games to remind me of that. I want my games to escape, make me feel good and empowered, and give it that light, glossy J.J. Abrams chic to it.
