Uncharted: Fight For Fortune aangekondigd

Gtamen 19 november 2012 om 16:15 uur

Zojuist is er een nieuwe Uncharted aangekondigd voor de PSVita. Dit is een heel goed ding aangezien de PSVita behoorlijk weinig (goede) games heeft. Uncharted: Fight For Fortune zal begin December uitkomen voor je PSVita. Details, screens en een trailer kan je hier onder vinden.

Hi everyone! This is Chris Reese, Co-Director of Bend Studio, and I am excited to announce Uncharted Fight for Fortune, an original title coming to PlayStation Store exclusively for PS Vita in early December (pricing TBC).
Uncharted Fight for Fortune is an action-adventure turn-based card game featuring the heroes and villains from the Uncharted universe. Take a look at a video of the game in action below to give you an idea of how combat works in the game.

So you're probably wondering, how exactly does Fight For Fortune work? I'll explain. The core gameplay involves creating a team of Faction cards featuring heroes, villains and mercenaries from the Uncharted universe, and using that team to defeat your opponent while defending yourself from their attacks.
Each Faction card can be equipped with powerful Resource and valuable Fortune cards, which enhance their stats and give them special abilities. Once you've selected and equipped a card, it's time to head into battle!
During combat, attacks either reduce the health of opposing Faction cards or the health of your opponent. Defeating an opposing Faction card removes it from play, while reducing the health of your Opponent to zero wins you the game.
The rich lore that surrounds the Uncharted universe gave us the opportunity to create Uncharted: Golden Abyss, complete with lush, artefact-filled environments. With over 300 treasures to be found, we wanted to find a way to allow our fans to delve deeper into the artefact collections and mysteries of the Uncharted universe.
Along with the release of Uncharted Fight for Fortune, we will also release a new patch for Uncharted: Golden Abyss that will power up the artefacts that you've collected for immediate use within Fight for Fortune. Using the artefacts found within Golden Abyss, you can go to battle with other players as well as AI opponents. The game can also be played independently of Golden Abyss, so owning the PS Vita title is not required.
Bend Studio Co-Director John Garvin and I have led the charge on Uncharted Fight for Fortune since the launch of Uncharted: Golden Abyss to take the Uncharted experience even further. In addition to our close collaboration with Naughty Dog, we are also pleased to introduce One Loop Games, a team of talented industry veterans who worked closely with us to chart new ground in the Uncharted universe.
There will be much more to talk about as we quickly approach the launch date so keep your PS Vita handy and get ready to go fortune hunting!
