ArmA III komt wat later

RDJ134 13 december 2012 om 18:18 uur

De bezoekers van het eerste uur weten uiteraard dat wij van een zwak hebben voor de ArmA serie. Want deze is tot in tegenstelling van andere militaire First Person Shooters geen arcade game maar meer een realistische simulatie. Nu heeft Bohemia Interactive bekend gemaakt dat er een hoop problemen zijn voor het nieuwe en derde deel en dat daar door de game wat later gaat komen.

In what might be described as an eventful year, Bohemia Interactive has decided to postpone the release of Arma 3. The additional development time enables the project to reach its full potential, with the studio expecting to finalize their release plans in the new year.

Recently, Joris-Jan van 't Land, a 10-year veteran of Bohemia Interactive, took over the role of Arma 3 Project Lead from Daniel Musil, who left the studio to pursue other opportunities.

Joris-Jan van 't Land: "We've been in the process of implementing changes that will help us innovate as a studio under unexpected circumstances - facing problems we simply couldn't have imagined", referring to the detainment of two Bohemia Interactive employees in Greece. Both were arrested on suspicion of espionage while spending their holiday on Lemnos - an island that served as inspiration for the environment in Arma 3. They have since remained in jail pending legal proceedings. "We're still trying to make sense of the situation and hope that our colleagues will be released soon. Although their plight has certainly affected us on a personal level, we continue working on the tasks identified as key to the release of Arma 3."

Joris-Jan van 't Land: "I hope this update provides some answers regarding the status of the project. We're currently sorting the specifics so we can deliver a more complete announcement at the beginning of next year."
