7 Low Budget Effects In Big Budget Movies

RDJ134 27 juni 2013 om 20:12 uur

Tegenwoordig lijken alle special effecten rechtstreeks uit de computer te worden getrokken, maar zo nu en dan zijn er film makers die met simpele low budget technieken hele mooie effecten in hun blockbusters weten te brengen. Michael Bay is daar overigens GEEN één van.

5. Spider Makeup in Spider-Man

Casting for spiders is just not something you think about. For the original Sam Raimi Spider-Man, the challenge was to find just the right arachnid to look the part for when Peter Parker is first bit on his school trip. To find what they wanted, spider guy Steven Kutcher put on an "Olympic" tryout of eight-legged creatures for Raimi - showing off their various talents and looks.

After landing on the brown spider Steatoda grossa, it was only a matter of knocking the spider out, putting it in a tiny harness, and then painting it the red and black design in the film with a non-toxic paint. No really - they painted a spider, because CGI would be silly.
