Vloeken op Skype via de Xbox One is een 24 uur ban

RDJ134 26 november 2013 om 00:55 uur

Als je al zorgen had over de 24/7 1080p surveillance van de Kinect camera, dan kan ik je vertellen dat je alle redenen hier voor hebt. Want wat blijkt, een aantal Xbox One bezitters die via hun Skype account hadden lopen vloeken hebben een ban voor 24 uur gekregen. Deze zijn uiteraard hier in dit topic gaan bitchen. Wat mij beangstigd is dat je dus een privé Skype gesprek voert, en er schijnbaar iemand mee kijkt of er een programma draait die zoekt op keywoorden die je uitspreekt.

t is a bit silly especially in Skype as this is private between friends people that know each other you should be free to say what you want (obviously if it is legal). If I want to use some profanity in a private call to a friend or family member I should be able just like I can via a telephone. Come Xbox/Microsoft this isn't very clever.

I do understand the bans in Upload if they were explained somewhere clearly not hidden in T&C's (that they know not many people read). But this needs to be more intelligent if you are doing a voice-over for a game that is for child or rated so then you shouldn't be allowed to swear etc however if it is BF4, COD:G, and other mature games that have swearing and killing etc in the games themselves then you should be able to commentate how you see fit.

If you read this Xbox/Microsoft then please let me know whether I am off base or not.

Also forums users if you agree then reply and add your own comments.

I'm dealing with the same issue, have spoken with a supervisor and two support agents. The supervisor hung up on me and the support agents offered to escalate and have resolved in 2 days. I have posted in the banned forum and had my message ignored and deleted. Still looking for a solution. If i get one i'll update here. This is turning out to be a pretty big problem.

*Update* So I allowed my GF to set up an account and go through logging into her skype and it worked on the xbox. Weird thing is I can still use skype on my computer, so my skype wasn't banned. It appear xbox is just telling me that I'm not allowed to use it through my $529 console. I find this quite disturbing that I have a feature here with no one knowing how this can be used.
