Tea Party groep gebruikt Bioshock Infinite afbeelding

RDJ134 17 december 2013 om 16:30 uur

Wie een beetje bekend is met de Amerikaanse cultuur en geschiedenis, weet wat de rechtse Tea Party groep is. Deze zijn weer op gedeeld in diverse organisaties waar van de The National Liberty Federation een afbeelding van de oud president George Washington gebruikte, alleen was deze afkomstig uit de video game Bioshock: Infinite en daarom moesten ze nu een persbericht uitgeven waarin ze hun excuus hebben aangeboden. OOPS...

To all the publications and visitors to our site who wrote about our post of December 14th, regarding the "BioShock Infinite" Propaganda.

We have a zero tolerance policy on racism and have removed the post, as it has done its job. We are not the "Red Cross" and firmly believe that the Constitution and the future of America is at stake. The reality is our voice is rarely heard in the media let alone in DC. Thus we are and will remain unapologetically Constitutionalists.

We want to let you know you brought us the best site advertisement we've had all year... We were litterally flooded with new people not only laughing at us, which we expected, but also congratulating us on seeing things differently and having the guts to post it...

We invite all the media to visit us whenever you need a good story and hopefully all the hordes of people will follow you as well... It's time they heard the other side of DC politics and if our plan works, we should be gaining many new readers now that they know we're here.

One more thing MSNBC, we are the National Liberty Federation, not the National Liberation Foundation... Get it right next time!!!

In Liberty,
The Team at NLF
