Zeven redenen waarom Marvel Superhelden films erg saai zijn

RDJ134 14 april 2014 om 17:42 uur

Terwijl de ene Marvel Superhelden film na de ander uitkomt, begint er langzaam aan een standaard patroon te vormen. Namelijk dat ze verdomd saai aan het worden zijn. Sure het is over de top met CGI actie en het is allemaal snel en hip, alleen voor ons comic geeks begint het erg boring te worden en daarom maakte de website Topless Robot dit artikel met zeven redenen waarom we nu in een Superhelden film bubble zitten die zeker te weten gaat klappen.

2. They're Repetitive and Hype-Driven.

There's a thing called "Marvel fatigue" that Kenneth Turan discusses in his Los Angeles Times review of Captain America: The Winter Soldier. This is a very real thing. I have it. Maybe you have it too. Maybe you're in denial that you have it, so you wrote an angry response to every naysayer out there, even though the critical headline was followed by a story that was totally tl;dr.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe movies are the worst offenders in the hype-driven repetition of superhero movies. You go in knowing that you're going to get at least two hours of mumble-mumble-boom-mumble-mumble-bang-mumble-mumble-crash. Nerd jokes will be followed by a pregnant round of gunfire. It's not just the Stan Lee cameos that leave you with déjà vu; it's the whole damn thing.

The worst part is the interconnectedness of the movies. From a marketing perspective, this is a genius move. It's non-stop promotion. For an audience member who isn't hardcore Marvel, but does like a good movie, it's tedious. Instead of sitting down and watching a movie, you're trapped in a 2 hour-plus commercial for the next wad of cash you'll drop at the theater.
