Interview me de broers Russo over de Captain America films en Agent Carter

RDJ134 3 september 2014 om 01:32 uur

De website SuperHeroHype had een interview met Anthony en Joe Russo over de Captain America films en de aankomende TV serie Agent Carter die een spinoff is van de films. Zoals je hier onder kan lezen hadden de broers origineel een aantal scènes met Hawkeye in gedachten, die helaas gesneuveld zijn.

SHH: I know that one of those characters that was supposed to be in it or was written in at least was Hawkeye, because you guys mention it on the Blu-ray. What was the particular reason that he ended up not making it into the movie or was it maybe his presence just seemed a little too forced?

: We had great stuff for him actually in the film. He had a couple of really cool scenes in the movie. It's a big movie as it is, so it certainly helped that it's not in there. I think it would increase the running time by about 10 or 15 minutes if they were in the movie, just because you want the right amount of time to actually treat those scenes properly. I think it was a scheduling issue.
