Don Hall en Chris Williams over Big Hero 6

RDJ134 3 november 2014 om 19:32 uur

Big Hero 6 is de nieuwste Walt Disney Animation Studios film die nu hun eerste Marvel Animatie film maken. Deze verteld het verhaal van Hiro Hamada die een expert is in robots maken en te maken krijgt met criminelen. Don Hall en Chris Williams zijn de drijvende kracht achter deze veel belovende film en hebben tijdens een persdag dit interview gegeven, en daar uit kan je hier onder een stukje terug lezen.

Question: So, why Big Hero 6?

: Our process is that you never pitch one idea, you pitch three. So, after the conversation John [Lasseter] and I had about my love of comic books, Disney animation, and wanting to find a Marvel thing to bring over here, we just looked around for stuff and made lists. I had never read Big Hero 6. I saw the title and thought, "That's a cool title." I looked at it further and saw that it was about a Japanese superhero team and got more intrigued. I read the comic books and got even more intrigued. I felt like it was appropriate because it had a tone to it that was light. It's not light, like it's for kids, but they were fun. You could tell the creators had fun creating it. The whole thing was a love letter to Japanese pop culture, and the characters were appealing. That was the early inspiration for putting it on the list to pitch to John. We also saw that there could be a very emotional story there, between a 14-year-old super genius who suffered a loss and a robot that could help heal him. So, it was amongst a few other properties that I pitched to John and the other directors, and they rallied around it.

Why did you decide to not put Marvel in the title of the film?

It just made sense because we were making it at Disney and producing it at Disney. Early on, Marvel loved the idea that we were going to do something with one of their things, and they really loved that it was Big Hero 6. We were taking something from their archives that's relatively obscure, so they were really excited for us to do something with it. But they were very encouraging of us to take it and make it our own. They kept saying, "You don't have to set it within the confides of the Marvel universe. You don't have to worry about that." So, that gave us license to make this our own. It just felt like it was appropriate that it's title Disney's Big Hero 6 'cause it is our version of it.

WILLIAMS: And Lasseter really likes the idea of building unique worlds you've never been to before. For him, a big part of the experience for the audience is being told a great story. Another big part of the experience is being taken to a world you've never been to and a world you'd like to go to. So, the creation of San Fransokyo is a part of that. We know that that's not our earth, as we understand it. We're somewhere else. There's no confusion that maybe Thor or Captain America are going to show up. There's a real division there, and I think that's good. It allowed us to have total freedom with the story and with the characters.
