Phil Lord, Chris Miller, en Will Forte over The Last Man on Earth

RDJ134 2 maart 2015 om 15:42 uur

Afgelopen nacht is in Amerika de nieuwe TV serie The Last Man on Earth begonnen en zoals de titel je al doet vermoeden gaat dit over een man die als enige op de de aarde overblijft....of toch niet?? De makers van deze show hadden dit interview met de website Collider en daar van kan je hier onder alvast een stukje lezen.

Question: How tricky is it to promote a show that you can actually say very little about?

It's definitely tricky. It's been tricky because we want to find that right blend of explanation and description of the show, but we also want to save some of the fun surprises. Unfortunately, we're not going to know until after [it premieres], if we've struck the right balance. I feel there are so many discussions. I know that I am more on the side of keeping the secrets. But then again, I've really never been in anything that people have gone to go see, so I'm not a marketing genius, by any stretch.

PHIL LORD: The trick for us is that we want to protect the audience's experience of watching the show. Part of it is getting to enjoy all of the delicious surprises. It's one of the joys of Will's writing. The marketing team has done a great job of saying, "Hey, kids, there's a present under the tree." But we still give everybody the opportunity to go under the tree and unwrap it instead of saying, "Hey, Santa got you something. And by the way, Santa doesn't exist." There's no fun in that. I'm really happy that people have gone along with the ride. There are a lot of great surprises on the way. The one thing that's challenging is seeing people say, "There's no way that concept can last for an entire season." We're sitting here going, "You don't know. There's so much more to it." But, we're not able to say that. Hopefully, we can get the message across that there's a lot more to come, and we just don't want to spoil it for anyone.

FORTE: Yes, and pretty much every episode ends with a twist, or a cliffhanger, or a new development, so it's pretty fun.
