Vera Farmig over haar rol in Bates Motel

RDJ134 17 maart 2015 om 12:03 uur

Bates Motel is een week geleden in Amerika begonnen aan zijn derde seizoen en wordt wederom weer zeer goed bekeken. Nu had de website Collider een interview met Vera Famig die in de serie de rol van Norma Bates heeft, en we weten allemaal hoe het met haar gaat aflopen.

How do you keep the relationship between Norman and Norma fresh?

It's a really great question because it's an acting challenge for me and for Freddie, as well. As they head towards what seemingly is going to be their inevitable Hades, these emotional scenes come at such high frequency and duration that sometimes I honestly am just running out of ideas. It's really interesting, the closeness, the friendship, the respect and the trust, between Freddie and myself. From an acting perspective, it's just really intense work. Freddie has become really particularly adept at instigating me, and knowing my soft spots, emotionally, and treading like a bulldozer over them. In this last season, in particular, he can be a real prick when it comes to helping. It's hard, and it's just nutty.

I literally get angry at Kerry for writing this bat shit craziness, just because of endurance. Sometimes I just don't know where it's going to come from. You have to find a way to transfer it into the scene. Sometimes it's just the panic of not knowing where to drill that wellspring of emotion, to quench the scene. Sometimes that's enough to set me off. But, it comes down to what Freddie and I have together, as colleagues and as team players. There is so much trust that we can get pretty wily with each other. And that goes for the entire cast, every year. We just draw nearer and dearer to each other, and can push each other's limits. We push each other for better, for more and for deeper. This show is special because there is so much darkness, and yet so much humor, watching these characters navigate in some ludicrously improbable situations. That's what makes it so exhilarating. It's acute, it's intense and it's agonizing, most of the time, but it's balanced so beautifully. There's a lot of joy, beauty, friendship and love.
