The Avengers: Age of Ultron set interview met Elizabeth Olson

RDJ134 30 maart 2015 om 23:59 uur

De website Collider mocht op de set van The Avengers: Age of Ultron een aantal interviews houden met de acteurs en actrices. De eerste die deze serie mag aftrappen is Elizabeth Olson die in de film de Scarlet Witch speelt. In dit interview verteld ze alles over haar rol, de kleren en hoe leuk het niet is om deze film te mogen doen.

Is that pretty much the costume you have for the whole movie?

Well, no. For the film, that world is very specific so it's almost like hospitalish, and the way that we designed costume and character is based off of these two kids being on their own and using whatever they can to their best ability. Like if they see a street vendor, they just grab something off the street vendor, so it hints to Eastern Europe but it's also kind of this gypsy, vagabond feel as well.

What were some of your first meetings with some of the other cast members, did they kind of give you any insight of what would change with joining this universe?

: The first person both Aaron and I got to work with was Jeremy Renner because we were shooting in Italy, as everyone has seen, and he's so straight about how this is gonna go. These were the first days of shooting the cast, I think, and it is the most waiting I've done on a film, so that kind of keeping that energy up is really difficult. You get on set and you have to have one thing that you hook into to remind yourself to give you that energy and the drive of your character. Just talking with him was interesting and fun and I still enjoyed working. I mean, everyone that we've met it's just been -Everyone is so nice. I was ready for like maybe some sort of diva, there's none of that at all on this set. All the actors are unbelievably fun and giving and kind, and it's amazing.
