Showrunner Jeffrey Alan Schechter over Stitchers

RDJ134 8 juli 2015 om 01:44 uur

Stitchers is een hele leuk science-fiction TV serie over een organisatie die een machine heeft om in overleden mensen hun geheugen kunnen binnen dringen en zo opzoek gaan naar aanwijzingen naar hun moord of hun dood. Nu had Showrunner Jeffrey Alan dit interview met de website Collider en daarvan kan je hier onder alvast een stukje lezen.

Collider: How did Stitchers come about? Was there a seed of an idea that it all evolved from, or was there something specific you were looking to explore?

That's a good question. A number of years ago, I was working on an idea. I was doing a lot of teen and tween shows, at that time, so I had my head in that world. Somebody brought me an idea about middle school kids going into a virtual reality world to solve crimes. They were computer nerd teenagers. It played into a lot of that nerdy stuff that I like, with computers and crime-solving, and stuff like that, but I felt like I'd seen that show before. So, I kept developing it. I wanted to age it up, get it out of the teen world and into the younger adult world of people in their 20s, and get it out of the virtual reality world. I was looking for the next cool thing, and then somebody said, "Well, hacking into the memories of the dead would be cool." And I was like, "You know what? That would be cool!" So, it went from this solving crimes before dinnertime world into the world of computer geniuses in graduate school hacking into the memories of the dead to solve crimes. It was a very natural evolution on an idea. It started off as a cousin to what we have now.
