Colin Morgan over zijn rol in Humans

RDJ134 3 augustus 2015 om 01:06 uur

Humans is een nieuwe science-fiction serie dit jaar op de Amerikaanse TV was te zien. Hier in heeft iedereen in de toekomst een 'Synth' wat een soort van Robot butler is. Waneer een familie een refurbished Synth koopt komen ze er al snel achter dat er iets mis mee is. De show deed het zo goed dat het een tweede seizoen heeft gekregen. Nu speelt Colin Morgan de rol van Leo, en had recent een interview met de website Collider, waar van je hier onder alvast een stukje kunt lezen.

What was your reaction to this world that has humans and robots inhabiting it together? Was that something you were immediately intrigued by, or are you very much not a techie person, yourself?

: I'm not very technical. The fact that the script drew me in, I was interested in not just what my guy was going through, but I wanted to know what was happening with everyone. There was no storyline that I wasn't interested in. Without really thinking about too much of the technology, what I was seeing was a series of scenarios with humans trying to make sense of their purpose. That's what's so interesting about it. It doesn't have to be technology. That can be anything that's introduced into society that makes us question ourselves. It's people questioning the reason why they're here, and that's been an enduring question since the beginning of existence, I suppose. The fact that this is a technology that's been created by humans and it has this kind of affect on us, it's a weird scenario. We put ourselves in this position. I was just intrigued by all of these different characters and the very different reasons for relating to this technology, and very different reasons for wanting to be free of it or trying to understand it and trying to understand themselves
