Wales boos over gebruik van ramp beelden in COD: Black Ops 3 trailer

RDJ134 7 oktober 2015 om 19:30 uur

Vorige week verscheen er deze trailer van Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 waarbij beelden uit de game en de echte wereld te zien waren. Hier bij kwam er footage van de overstromingen uit Rhyl (in 2013) voorbij en daar zijn de mensen uit Wales niet blij mee, omdat 400 mensen hun huizen uit moesten en hopen nu ook dat Activision een donatie aan het stadje doet. Dank aan NorthWalesInkt voor de tip

AN AM has called for an image of a flooded Rhyl street to be removed from a Call of Duty marketing trailer.

A promotional clip - for the latest instalment of one of the biggest video game franchises in the world - features a brief clip of Garford Road, Rhyl, which was flooded on December 5, 2013 after the highest tidal surge for more than 20 years battered Rhyl, Prestatyn and Kinmel Bay.

The trailer for Black Ops III, which has been viewed more than 280,000 times, features images of what game designers call 'a dark and gritty future' which includes images of natural disasters.

Speaking in the National Assembly chamber, Llyr Gruffydd AM who represents Rhyl said: "Will you join me in criticising the makers of the computer game Call of Duty: Black Ops III for using images of the aftermath of the storm surge witnessed in Rhyl in late 2013?

"It's very regrettable that the company has chosen to put an incident that led to around 400 people being forced from their homes in that incident into their promotional video."

Rhyl town councillor Andy Rutherford, who was mayor during the floods echoed Mr Gruffydd's thoughts and said it was a shame gamemakers had decided to use the clip.

He said: "Whilst I can see it is a brief two-second clip, in amongst many other real destruction clips, I think it's a shame they chose to use it.

"Perhaps the makers of the game might like to donate some of their profits to the people affected."
