Casper Crump over zijn rol als Vandal Savage in DC's Legends of Tommorow

RDJ134 12 februari 2016 om 10:00 uur

DC's Legends of Tommorow is een hele leuke serie die een spin-off is van de DC Comic series Arrow en The Flash. Hier in centraal staat de villain Vandal Savage die onsterfelijk is en in de toekomst de mensheid zal uitroeien. Omdat dit te voorkomen is er een Time Master die steeds terug reist in de tijd en Vandal Savage met een groep helden en anti-helden bevecht. De rol van Vandal Savage wordt gespeeld door Casper Crump en deze had recent een interview met de website Collider en daar van kan je hier onder alvast een stukje lezen.

Collider: Vandal Savage is definitely a full-on villain, if there ever was one.

: I didn't want to play a mediocre villain. I wanted to go full-on. That's what we do. I did not know the character before I auditioned for this. My favorite villain was maybe Batman. I think Vandal Savage is really cool 'cause he has the ability not to die and he's smart, but he doesn't have any gadgets, he doesn't shoot fire and he doesn't fly. He's just old school, and I love that. He throws knives and he fights, and that's it.

Is this a villain with no conscience, at all?

: I think you have to put a little bit of conscious into him, otherwise it would just make him two-dimensional. I like what he has with Kendra and the Hawks. That's what I'm working with, rather than just being like, "Okay, I don't care." He cares, but he has a purpose and he finds it in killing people.
