Dode slang in een PlayStation 4

RDJ134 31 mei 2016 om 22:00 uur

Video's van consoles die vol zaten met Kakkerlakken en andere ongein zijn er genoeg te vinden op YouTube. Maar de onderstaande video laat ons zien hoe vorig jaar een slang zijn weg wist te vinden in een PlayStation 4, en zowel de slang als de PS4 hebben deze ontmoeting niet overleefd.

The video below provides an enlightening glimpse of what exactly is inside every PS4 black box. It's in Portuguese, but its point of emphasis can be discerned with visuals alone. In case anyone was wondering, the proper term to describe the unique shape is a rectangular parallelepiped. It earns the rectangular aspect due to some of its sides being pure rectangles. Okay, the cool look at the circuit boards is superseded here by the addition of our small reptile friend. I'll admit, the snake looks quite large next to small wires and pins.

A report out of CNET describes how one Brazilian electrician was in for a little something extra when he responded to a PS4 owner complaining of a foul stench shortly after his system stopped working. The house call occurred last year, but it is only now being reported in the media. The worker thought he was in for a commonplace electrical issue, but when he opened up the box he was greeted by a dead snake.

I can presume that the poor snake was merely looking for shelter indoors, and unfortunately slithered into the back of the console. Judging by its ill-fate, the owner of the console was either playing during its entry or turned it on before the snake exited the interior.
