Ed O'Neil over Finding Dory

RDJ134 25 juni 2016 om 13:21 uur

Nu Finding Dory in de bioscopen is te zien, zou je denken dat de PR rond om de film nu wel voorbij is. Maar niks is minder waar, want vandaag dropte de website Collider dit interview met Al Bundy online en daar van kan je hier onder alvast een stukje lezen. Naast zijn werk aan Finding Dory komt ook zijn vroegere acteer werk als in Miami Vice ter sprake.

Jumping into why I get to talk to you today, when people see Finding Dory, I think one of the things they're going to take away is the love of Hank. I think all of the side characters in the film are all tremendous. When you were getting involved in the project, did you realize at the time, this could be a really beloved character in the Pixar universe?

: No. Because originally I thought it was a cameo. No one told me anything. I asked to see a script, there was no script. I asked to see sides, there were no sides to see. I said, "well, what is it?" They said, "it's Pixar, we don't know what it is. So I thought, well fine, it's a cameo. Otherwise they'd tell me! For a cameo they don't need to explain. And I just kept coming back. And then I thought, this must be more than a cameo because everything I do is with Ellen [Degeneres], with Dory.

So how dramatically did your story change through the recording process - was it a dramatic thing? Or was it similar?

: Do you know what it's like with Pixar? It's like a child getting larger. You don't notice it. You know, your daughter is ten and all of a sudden she's 14 and you go, "how did you get so big?" You didn't see it. You don't see it, it's so gradual. Suddenly you think, "wait a minute, this is changed now. When did this happen? I don't know." They keep you pretty busy.
