Daniel Ragussis wil dat racisten zijn film Imperium zien

RDJ134 20 augustus 2016 om 20:00 uur

Imperium verteld het verhaal van een jonge FBI agent die undercover gaat in het rechtse milieu, want deze boze kale mannen met kramp in hun rechterarm hebben plannen om een aanslag te gaan plegen en is het aan Harry Potter... ik bedoel Daniel Radcliffe om dit te voorkomen. Daniel Ragussis is de regisseur van de film en wil juist dat racisten zijn film gaan zien, omdat deze een boodschap heeft die ze aan het denken zou moeten zetten.

Was there ever a time on set where you got everyone there and you're talking about crazy, just awful stuff and you had to take a second and be like, "fuck, man - this is rough"?

: I would say that happened really even more in the initial research and writing phase. There was a period up front of about three or four months where literally, seven days a week, 12 hours a day, I was reading all these materials. [laughs] In the middle of that - because they're you're alone and you're in your room reading this stuff, night and day. And I did have moments where I thought, "why am I doing this? This is really, really dark." And it's not just the darkness and the horrors of the worldview, and then the behaviors that it leads to. It's not only that, it's also that the conviction these people have about their beliefs is so strong, so much stronger in some ways than a lot of the convictions that we have about all sorts of things. Then really you start to become hopeless that you can ever change their minds. And that's very depressing. With that being said, people leave the movement and people change their minds all the time, you know? Every memoir that I was reading by someone who was in the movement was written by someone who had left it. So it's not like it doesn't happen, it does happen. It's not as easy as a five minute conversation. And I also don't think it's going to happen, which is part of the point of the film for me, by just calling someone a monster and saying that they're evil and all the rest of it. That's not going to bring them out of it. So that's why it was important to me to try to humanize these characters and to try to get inside their head as much as we could. And to create an environment where there can be dialogue and conversation.
