Lucas Till over zijn rol in de TV serie MacGyver

RDJ134 1 oktober 2016 om 11:00 uur

Precies een week geleden is in Amerika de serie MacGayver van start gegaan en deze is een reboot van de zeer populaire jaren 80 show. Het is nog steeds erg cheesy en eerlijk gezegd best vermakelijk om te zien. De website Collider had een interview Lucas Till die MacGyver speelt en daar van kan je hier onder alvast een stukje lezen.

Collider: How did this come to you, and what did you think about the idea of it?

: I remember being really unemployed, at the moment, and then MacGyver came up. I'd never really done TV. The 22-episode season of TV is not really something I watch, and I haven't even had cable in my house for eight years, so I don't really know what's out there. I also never really thought I'd be a part of something like that, so I didn't really know if I wanted to do it. But, it was MacGyver. So, I read the pilot and thought it was good, and just kept moving on with it. It's just been a gradual incline, to this point. It's cool.
