Marc Guggenheim over het grote CW Crossover event

RDJ134 20 oktober 2016 om 09:00 uur

Na een heel erg matig (en soms onbedoeld lachwekkend) vierde seizoen, lijkt Arrow weer behoorlijk hard en grimmig te gaan worden. De producent Marc Guggenheim had hier over een interview met de website Collider die hem vroegen naar het grote CW Crossover event waarbij de shows van Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tommorow en Supergirl een verhaallijn delen. Hier onder kan je alvast een stukje er van lezen en ik denk dat het behoorlijk episch gaat worden.

What were the challenges of tackling the milestone of the 100th episode and having it also be a cross-over?

: That was the challenge. The challenge was that we've only got 42 minutes, and it's the middle part of a three-part story. At the same time, it's the 100th episode. When the news broke that the 100th episode was also going to be the cross-over episode, people were up and down my Twitter and Greg's Twitter. In a very positive way, people didn't want to feel like the cross-over was hijacking what should be a really seminal episode and moment for Arrow, which is wonderful. I don't want to spoil it, but Greg came up with an idea that really does allow us to have our cake and eat it, too. I haven't seen the episode all cut together yet, but it has some incredibly iconic moments. It is a love letter to the show. It draws on all previous 99 episodes. Everyone who we could have in the episode, from a scheduling point of view, is in the episode. Even the people who we couldn't have because of having conflicting schedules are represented. At the same time, you've got The Flash and Supergirl, and that's an enormous amount of fun. The recruits also play a very large and important role in the episode. I'm really excited about it. There's one moment in it that I think is probably Stephen's finest performance, to date. This one scene, that really has two moments within the one scene, will just break your heart. It will take your heart, pull it out, and stomp it on the floor. It's very, very affecting, and it's all on Stephen's back. It's incredible. Willa [Holland] is amazing in the episode. Everyone obviously brought their A-game to it. I'm really, really excited about it. It's the 100th episode.

Can you clarify how the four show cross-over is split into three parts?

: There's going to be an episode of Supergirl that ends with Supergirl going over to the cross-over. Some people call it a four-way cross-over because it involves four shows. My ulcer requires me to call it a three-part cross-over. The story that's being told has a beginning, middle and end. It's a beginning in The Flash, a middle in Arrow, and an end in Legends, but Supergirl is very much a part of the whole thing. So, we are crossing over four shows, but in three parts.
