Tom Hardy interview over Taboo

RDJ134 22 januari 2017 om 01:13 uur

Taboo is een nieuwe serie van Tom Hardy over een Engelsman die na een omzwerving thuis komt en ontdekt dat zijn vader is overleden en hij nu de erfgenaam is van het bedrijf. Alleen heeft zijn familie meer vijanden en geheimen die nu allemaal boven komen drijven. De serie schijnt zeer goed te zijn en begint nu na drie afleveringen goed op te vallen en daarom had de website Collider een interview met Tom Hardy en daar van je hier onder alvast een stukje lezen.

What do you find so fascinating about James Delaney?

: There's a mythology to him. It's about trying to find a character in a real world situation, who can also be a fantasy character, as well. He stands as a metaphor for change, but is also a very complex and varied character, who has equal parts dark and light. He's somebody who's capable of doing something pretty dark, but has a noble and ethical quality to him, as well. He's a fantastical character.

You're so great at being intimidating. What do you tap into for that?

It's about changing a room. Intimidation, in its basic form, is about changing the temperature in the room and knowing how to do that. I've experienced it in my life, a lot. It's happened to me. That's what it is. It's something you can observe and reflect, as an artist. It's something I've experienced, in real life, and it's truly horrible. It's better to experience on a screen than it is in real life. I'm very sensitive to temperature drop and the games that all of us play in our lives. It's about who we are behind the persona and the ability to change the energy in a room. It's essential, as an actor. You have to play with those things. I use that a lot in my work because I quite like it.
