Rhett Reese en Paul Wernick over Deadpool 2

RDJ134 19 maart 2017 om 14:18 uur

Na het onverwachte grote succes van Deadpool (2016) zijn de verwachtingen omtrend het vervolg dat in 2018 zal moeten verschijnen extreem hoog. De website Comingsoon had de kans om schrijvers Rhett Reese en Paul Wernick te interviewen en daar van kan je nu hier onder een klein stukje lezen.

CS: That special teaser for Deadpool just came out. Is that a good indicator of what we're in for in the sequel or was it meant as sort of an absurd one-off?

It was a little more absurd, to be honest. If you look at the plot, abandoning an innocent man as he tries to get dressed, that's probably something that doesn't fit into a movie. It wouldn't work in the logic of a movie, but Deadpool affords us the opportunity to break rules, always. We just thought, "Let's make a silly short that doesn't really happen to Deadpool." We don't really like to adhere to any rules in Deadpool. Even the tone can be more absurd if we feel like it's funny. That was our goal there.
