Neve Cambell en Mike Kelly over House of Cards seizoen 5

RDJ134 26 mei 2017 om 18:58 uur

Al vier seizoen lang houd House of Cards on in zijn ban, deze Netflix serie steekt verdomd goed in elkaar en door het prachtige acteerwerk is deze zeer verslavend. Seizoen vijf komt er aan en daarom had de website Collider een interview met Cambel en Mike Kelly en daar van kan je hier onder een stukje lezen. Dit nieuwe seizoen is vanaf 30 mei in zijn geheel (of hackers moeten deze eerder releasen) te vinden op Netflix

There are touches in Season 5 that definitely echo the culture's current issues with our President, the "Never Underwood" signs in the trailer come to mind. Did the writers make any calibrations after the events of the election, or did you as performers?

: They didn't adjust the plot line in accordance with what was happening in the real world. It just so happened that what we were doing mirrored what was happening in the real world. Which seems to happen every season on this show, weirdly. It wouldn't make sense for them to just be looking at the news and trying to follow it, they have a very clear vision of where the show is going from the beginning of the season to the end of the season, and they need to. I think that's their priority, is quality.

KELLY: And you look at what you were saying, the hacking that we did in Season 4 - hacking and tampering with the election became a reality.

: But Beau Willimon definitely had his ear to the ground. He was having a lot of conversations with Washington while he was writing, so while it wasn't definitive things, he was aware of what the happenings were in the White House and the potential of things. The things that the government was afraid of, so he had had those conversations.
