Matt Ryan over de terugkeer van Constantine

RDJ134 26 maart 2018 om 23:57 uur

Het is alweer vier jaar geleden dat we voor het eerst Matt Ryan in de rol van Constantine konden zien, en deze serie was heel erg nice en zelfs behoorlijk duister. Helaas ging de stekker er uit en schreeuwde fans moord en doodslag voor een terugkeer van deze anti held. Mensen die DC Legends of Tommorow volgen hebben hem al diverse keren voorbij kunnen zien komen, en is er ook een Constantine animatie film waar Ryan zijn stem aan heeft verleend en wordt hij volgend jaar een terugkerend karakter in Legends of Tommorow. Daarom had de website Collider een interview met hem en daar van kan je nu hier onder een klein stukje lezen.

Collider: I am so happy to be speaking to you about you again playing John Constantine, since it seemed like there was a time that we weren't going to see that happen again.

: Yes, it was four years ago now, when we did the show, and the times are still alive. It's great!

It seems as though you just can's seem to quit this character, whether you like it or not, which is great because I can't imagine anyone else doing it. When the show was canceled, did you think that was it? Did you think you'd be hanging up the trench coat, forever?

: Yeah, I really did. We waited a while, to see if the show was gonna be picked up, and as always, there's a long period of time where you can't do anything, as an actor, because you're tied to the show and you can't really seek other work. I had had an offer to do a play on Broadway with Keira Knightley, and they were gracious enough to hold the offer long enough. They were just about to pull the plug and say, "Look, we really need an answer now." And then, they back with an answer to say that the show was canceled, and I went ahead. But, every cloud has its silver lining. The show was canceled, but then I got to go off and do some wonderful theater. I thought that was it, and it was done.

Before you signed on to possibly be a series regular, if Season 4 happens, which I'm sure it will, how much did they clue you in on what the arc might be for him? Do you know anything about where his story will go?

: I'm actually gonna be in the season finale, and that will give us a little clue as to where we're going to go with it next season. But, as of yet, I don't know the whole storyline. I'm interested to hear. We will actually give a little hint, in the final episode of the show, so I think people should tune in to watch that.
