Twee gameplay videos van Bulletstorm *update 18:40*

RDJ134 23 februari 2011 om 01:48 uur

Niet alleen Killzone 3 ligt deze week in de winkels, maar ook People can Fly's Bulletstorm zal voor de PlayStation 3 en de Xbox 360 morgen te koop zijn. Om deze game nog even lekker in de spotlights te zetten zijn er de onderstaande gameplay video's online gemikt. Mocht je na het zien van de beelden ook zelf aan de slag willen, in de PSN Store en op Xbox Live Marketplace is een demo te downloaden.

Update: People can Fly en Epic hebben bekend gemaakt dat er binnenkort de eerste DLC is te downloaden.

Featuring three new maps for Anarchy multiplayer mode, from the wretched Sewers of Stygia to the dilapidated ruins of Hotel Elysium and the open spaces of Villa, the Gun Sonata Anarchy maps provide even more settings for players to work together in order to pull off fantastic team skillshots. In addition to the new Anarchy maps, Gun Sonata will also introduce two new Echo mode maps, including Crash Site, where Final Echo soldiers must deal with the ramifications of their crashed ship, and Guns of Stygia, in which a captive commando escapes from an enemy prison. Completely new to the Bulletstorm experience, Crash Site and Guns of Stygia offer brand new challenges for those competing to top personal high scores and leaderboard rankings. Two new Leash enhancements, the Flamingo and the Pulp, make it even more enjoyable to kill with skill and style.

The Gun Sonata downloadable content will be available this spring for 800 Microsoft Points on Xbox LIVE® Marketplace and $9.99 on the PlayStation Network.
