John C. Reilly over Ralph Breaks the Internet

RDJ134 21 november 2018 om 16:17 uur

Het is je vast niet ontgaan dat Ralph Breaks the Internet in de US (en volgende maand in de Nederlandse bioscopen) is the zien en dat er dus nu veel pers junkets zijn waar de cast hun PR verhaaltje afsteken. Zo had de website Coming Soon een interview met John C. Reilly die de stem van Ralph doet en daar uit kan je nu hier onder een stukje lezen.

CS: Yeah and it's been about six years since the original film, which is crazy. It feels like it just came out! When you got the notification about a possible sequel, did you hesitate? Did you always feel there was more material to explore?

: I was completely on board! The first movie was such a personal experience for me, I put a lot of my heart into this guy. There's a funny thing that happens over time, the animators start to pick up on your facial expressions and your gestures, and it all kind of melds into this interesting place, so I feel really close to Ralph and have an amazing connection with kids all over the world because of it, so there's that, and then the fact that I improvised so much not her first one, you end up putting your own heart into stuff when you improvise because rather than just interpreting a line, something's coming from inside you, so I shared a lot with Ralph by the time we finished that first film. So, when the offer came to do the second one, I was thrilled. I was drumming my fingers hoping it would happen. I was thrilled it was the same team and it was generally the same family of people, with some new characters of course, but behind the scenes, Phil [Johnston] and Rich [Moore] directing, and Sarah [Silverman] and Clark [Spencer] producing.

It's funny, because you look at the credits for these movies and it's like two thousand people and the credits go on for ten minutes, but when we're making it, from my perspective, it's only about five people in a room. And I go and I engage with the animators sometimes because they like it when you come in, most actors don't do that, but I really wanted to be a part of the process of finding physically how he moved and all that kind of stuff, so I would go in and talk with people so I have an awareness of what's going on in terms of the actual creative moments when I'm recording, it's really just a few people that love and trust each other a lot, so I think that gives us a lot of courage to try things and be more vulnerable. Also, we do a lot of talking about what does it mean if we say this? What does it mean for their relationship? Should Ralph be scared of this right now? Should he be really into it and mischievous like she is, so we end up talking a lot about the intentions of things while we record.
