Brink DLC gratis twee weken te downloaden

RDJ134 25 juni 2011 om 01:32 uur

Was Brink een slechte titel?? nee, maar het was niet de revolutie waar veel First Person Shooter liefhebbers op hoopte. De makers hebben nu ook wel door dat de game niet al te populair is, en daarom zal de aankomende DLC die uit komt in juli geheel GRATIS!! zijn voor twee weken, daarna mag je de poeplap trekken. Dat dan weer wel.

Splash Damage has revealed that the promised free Agents Of Change DLC will become available in July, and will be downloadable free of charge for the first two weeks after release, with a price yet to be determined afterwards.

The Agents of Change DLC is just on the horizon, slated for release in June. The pack will bring new maps, abilities, character customization options and weapon attachments to Brink, while also raising the level cap to 24. Here's a full list of the DLC content:

New Maps

  • Founders' Tower - The revolution finally reaches the island's iconic spire and takes the battle for the Ark to dizzying heights.
  • Labs - Venture into the depths of the Ark's original research and development laboratories, a submerged high-tech facility so far untouched by the civil war.

    New Player Abilities

  • UAV - This stealthy and lethal device allows Operatives to automatically mark nearby enemies on their radar. For more explosive fun, they can even take direct control of the UAV and detonate it near unsuspecting foes.
  • Napalm Grenade - Soldiers can use this new grenade to cover an area in a sea of deadly flames.
  • Pyro Mine - Engineers can plant these mines and leave enemies in the epicenter of a massive napalm explosion.
  • Field Regen Unit - Medics can deploy these units to increase the health regeneration of any nearby teammates.
  • Tactical Scanner - This universal ability allows players to reveal the active buffs of their opponents, allowing them to pick off enemies more strategically.

    New Weapon Attachments

  • Bayonets - Gain the edge in melee combat and cause extra damage with these deadly blades.
  • Weapon Shields - Take cover from enemy fire and prevent headshot bonus damage behind riot-style shields.

    New Character Outfits

  • The Sad Punk - Add a touch of Steampunk to your Resistance character.
  • The Limey - Bring order to the Ark with this outfit inspired by traditional European police.
  • Reageer