Call of Duty: Elite doet het weer op 95% sterkte

RDJ134 24 november 2011 om 02:47 uur

Het succes van COD: Modern Warfare 3 werd behoorlijk overschaduwt door een niet functionerende Call of Duty Elite service. Maar er is goed nieuws, omdat het dit weekeinde Thanksgiving is in Amerika is er rond de klok door gewerkt. Volgens eigen zeggen van Activision is het netwerk voor 95% up and running. Dan kunnen ze nu tijd vrij maken om die fookin' lame ass Le Fluffy hackers en glitchers van het netwerk te mikken.

"It was a lot of hard work from where we were two weeks ago, which was an embarassing place," Suarez confessed. "And now we're at a place where we're confidant people will be able to enjoy the service." And while Elite is operational or, as Suarez put it, "up on its feet," the team continues to push out new builds almost daily. "We still have some bugs and some kinks to work out," he said. "We've been pushing out fixes everyday to address people on Twitter" and elsewhere.

As for a timetable of events, the failure went something like this: in the first week both registration and a "specific database" failed. While registration was up and running by week two, with "upwards of 50,000 registrants an hour," the "main area of impact that [Activision] had was a specific database that really holds all the data for most of Elite."

Getting both of those aspects working was "a step by step iterative process where we'd let more people in, stress test different parts of the service, and letting more people in every day," Suarez explained. "As of last Thursday night, Friday morning, we took off the prioritization queue so now anybody that signed up gets into the service automatically; free, paid, web, or console."
