AC: Revelations - The Mediterranean Traveler Map Pack Trailer

RDJ134 24 januari 2012 om 20:00 uur

Vanaf vandaag is de Assassin's Creed Revelations The Mediterranean Traveler Map Pack beschikbaar, en voor deze premium content mag je 800 Microsoft Points of 8 Euro ophoesten. Daar voor krijg je wel zes nieuwe multiplayer maps en nieuwe Achievements/Trophies terug. Maar goed hier is een trailer om je lekker te maken.

The Mediterranean Traveler Map Pack extends the Assassin's Creed Revelations multiplayer experience with the addition of six multiplayer maps, each introducing new gameplay opportunities through their varied terrain, perches and hideouts.

Players can journey to the majestic holy city of Jerusalem, the opulent imperial district of Constantinople and the colourful mercantile district of Dyers. Fans of the franchise can also revisit favorite Italian Renaissance maps from Assassin's Creed Brotherhood specifically requested by Assassin's Creed players to be included in the pack. To start, players will explore the historic city of Firenze (Florence), then travel to the mountains of San Donato and visit night-time Siena with its carnival lights, talented performers and deadly hiding spots.

The Mediterranean Traveler Map Pack will be available for download on January 24 for 800 Microsoft Points on Xbox Live and £7.99 on PlayStation Network and PC.
