Download de Kinect game Musical Feet nu GRATIS!!

RDJ134 13 maart 2012 om 20:36 uur

Terwijl ik vandaag bijna me Kinect bij gebrek aan goede titels weer wilde inpakken, is er nu de GRATIS!! game Musical Feet verschenen. Hier in speel je op een soort van piano op de grond en daar door moest ik gelijk denken aan een scene uit de Tom Hanks film Big (1988). Maar goed Musical Feet is te vinden in het Fun Lab gedeelte.

Have you been wishing that you could play and make music with something more than just your hands? Want to show off your dancing skills and your piano prowess at the same time? Well, you need to treat yourself to Kinect Fun Labs Gadget Musical Feet! Starting today thanks to the generosity of Intel you can get Musical Feet for the low-low price of totally feet-flipping free. BAM, indeed.

Go ahead download it now! Got a rad KinectShare video you made in Musical Feet? Share a link to it on YouTube in the comments and we might pick you to win something sweet and small. We aren't really able to give away huge stuff like cars or vacations or celebrity backrubs. Someday we'll be big enough and you know what? We'll remember you, the fans who were there from the start. The folks that demonstrated the can-do spirit of Indiana Jones or Rand McNally in your quest to find Kinect Fun Labs on the Dashboard. When we're finally given big prizes, like a lifetime supply of Jelly Bellies, we're going to tell you FIRST.
