Acteurs en actrices die zich schamen voor hun eigen films

RDJ134 25 juni 2013 om 18:57 uur

Gisteren kon je hier op lezen dat de Amerikaanse acteur Jim Carrey zijn excuus aanbood voor zijn rol in Kick Ass. Maar hij is niet de enige die zich schaamt voor een bepaalde film, vele grote sterren gingen hem al voor en dat is dan ook allemaal te lezen in dit artikel. Waar van je Bill Murray's versie hier onder kan lezen.

Bill Murray, Garfield

It's one of the greatest stories ever. When comedy legend Bill Murray signed up to voice the titular cat in the 2004 film Garfield, he thought the film was written by Joel Coen of the Coen Brothers, but it was actually written by another screenwriter named Joel Cohen. In an interview with GQ magazine, Murray explained the blunder:

"Finally, I went out to L.A. to record my lines. And usually when you're looping a movie, if it takes two days, that's a lot. I don't know if I should even tell this story, because it's kind of mean. What the hell? It's interesting. So I worked all day and kept going, 'That's the line? Well, I can't say that.' And you sit there and go, 'What can I say that will make this funny? And make it make sense?' And I worked. I was exhausted, soaked with sweat, and the lines got worse and worse. And I said, 'OK, you better show me the whole rest of the movie, so we can see what we're dealing with.' So I sat down and watched the whole thing, and I kept saying, 'Who the hell cut this thing? Who did this? What the fuck was Coen thinking?' And then they explained it to me: it wasn't written by that Joel Coen."

He'd further mock Garfield in his hilarious cameo in the movie Zombieland, listing it as one of his only regrets.
