Mensen met hazenlip boos op The Lone Ranger

RDJ134 23 juli 2013 om 20:35 uur

Hoewel R.I.P.D. de grote zomer blockbuster flop is, kan je hard op zeggen dat The Lone Ranger (ondanks dat het gewoon een over de top popcorn actie flick is) een goede tweede is. Maar nu zijn ook de mensen met een Hazenlip *NAF NAF* boos op deze film omdat de slechterik er in... een hazenlip heeft. Dus wat doe je dan?? precies bitchen op het internet en oproepen tot een boycot. Dit alles doet me denken aan een theater show van Harry Jekkers.

Organizations condemn the movie for using the facial feature to make a character appear more evil.
Instead, charities are upset that William Fichtner's Butch Cavendish features a cleft lip, a prosthetic that may have been added in part to make him appear more sinister.
According to the character synopsis, Cavendish's "terribly scarred face is a perfect reflection of the bottomless pit that passes for his soul."

Esteban Lasso, executive director of Canadian-based "cleft care" charity Transforming Faces notes that children with cleft lips are often bullied at school or depicted as villains, saying in a statement: "It's disheartening that a major motion picture would perpetuate this negative perception and we hope that in future, birth defects and facial differences will not be used to portray 'evil' characters," Lasso said.
Meanwhile, the U.K.'s Cleft Lip and Palate Association called for a boycott of the film ahead of its Aug. 9 British release.

"We're extremely disappointed to see that Disney are once again cashing in on prejudice by giving their villain in the upcoming Lone Ranger movie a very visible cleft lip as part of his 'look' as an evil, sinister character. Not only is this incredibly lazy storytelling, it's also sending a deeply harmful message that will impact the 90,000 people that were born with a cleft in the UK as well as others worldwide.
We would very much like to see people with a cleft represented on the big screen, but actor William Fichtner does not have a cleft himself, and admits that it was added with makeup to complete the 'look' of a villain - even saying that thanks to his broken nose and 'cleft lip' the role of a sinister villain was easier to slip into. Regardless of intent, the fact remains that review websites and the general public are seeing his 'cleft lip' and instead of this fighting the stigma, we are being dragged back into the dark ages with many commenting on how 'creepy' and 'evil' it made him look." CLAPA said in a statement.
