Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 developer is woest op review schrijvers

RDJ134 4 maart 2014 om 01:56 uur

Enric Alvarez is woest op "het toon aangevende blad" The Edge die Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 (recensie van een 4 heeft gegeven, en wat doe je dan?? Precies de kleine jankende bitch op het internet uithangen omdat een grote site niet lief is geweest. De game is dikke fun en ik heb me er goed mee vermaakt.

Added Alvarez: "[You can say] 'I do really like the rock but I hate the opera', [but] this is an opinion, not an analysis. If I had to do an analysis of Don Giovanni, [I] would not even know where to start. There's a lack of honesty in the gaming press."


"[It's] totally unfair," he said. "One must be blind or stupid to give it a 4/10 for a game of this quality. With a 4/10, people interpret it is a crappy game, badly done, it breaks, with mechanics that do not work, with some awful graphics."

Alvarez also concedes, however, that "that in the end it is an opinion, and [an] opinion is totally respectable" although he adds that readers should "not confuse a review and analysis".
