Bryan Fuller over Hannibal seizoen 3

RDJ134 30 juni 2014 om 16:26 uur

Bryan Fuller is de man achter de zeer succesvolle horror serie Hannibal, die echt heerlijk sick is. Het verhaal is zo slim doordacht en de extreme gore wordt zeer goed in beeld gebracht. De website Shock Till You Drop had dit interview met hem en daar in verteld hij uitgebreid over het derde seizoen en hoe de films en boeken in zijn verhaal gaan passen.

Shock Till You Drop: You've said for season three you want to incorporate the later books, Hannibal and Hannibal Rising. Does that mean we could have Dolarhyde and Mason Verger and characters from the past all in one episode?

Bryan Fuller
: Absolutely, absolutely, and we will. We'll definitely be seeing Murasaki. We're hoping to see Mason Verger again this season. We are developing the Francis Dolarhyde story so that's a very exciting thing for me because Red Dragon is my introduction into the Thomas Harris world.

Shock: Do you anticipate you'll get Hannibal into his cell by the end of season three?

Fuller: Stay tuned. Stay tuned.
