Twee miljoen gamers deden mee met de Battleborn Open Beta

RDJ134 22 april 2016 om 22:07 uur

Pas geleden was er een open beta van Battleborn en daar hebben maar liefst twee miljoen mensen aan mee gedaan en wat ik zo om mij heen hoorde, was dat dit heel erg leuk blijk te zijn. Uiteraard moet dit heugelijke feit gevierd worden met een persbericht en deze kan je hier onder lezen, de game zelf is over precies 11 dagen verkrijgbaar voor de PC en de bekende new gen consoles.

On the heels of the Battleborn Open Beta which saw more than 2 million players take up arms to fight for the last star in the universe, 2K and Gearbox Software have crunched the numbers, discovering which heroes dealt the most damage, which PVP mode saw the greatest traffic, and perhaps the most important question of all, if a little S1 Sentry Unit named Geoff ever realized his dreams of becoming Arachnis, the Spider King, Lord of all Spiders.

While you were busy slicing and dicing, running and gunning, and even clotheslining your way through two Story Mode episodes, two Competitive Multiplayer Modes, and taking Battleborn's 25 unique heroes for a test drive; the Devs here at Gearbox were crunching the numbers to find out exactly how many times you cut short Geoff's... er, Arachnis' reign as Spider King.

In addition, we challenged to collectively meet three lofty goals which you badasses blew out of the water! In only five days, the Battleborn community completed:

1.1 Million Competitive Multiplayer matches
1.4 Million Story Mode episodes
27 Billion Shards collected

This means we will be sharing a SHiFT code on May 3 for three golden skins, one for ISIC, Benedict, and Shayne & Aurox! Stay tuned to find out how everyone who purchases Battleborn will be able to redeem the code.
