Dubbel XP weekeinde voor Battleborn en een nieuwe karakter unlock

RDJ134 20 mei 2016 om 15:00 uur

Eerder vandaag kon je hier op Eigenwereld.nl mijn recensie van Battleborn lezen, die zeer uitgebreid is en ook een klein beetje tegen viel. Maar 31 mei aanstaande zal er een nieuw karakter worden vrijgegeven en is er dit weekeinde dubbel XP voor iedereen. Is dat goed nieuws of wat??

Alani, the first of five new free playable characters for Battleborn will release on May 31st on all platforms and May 24th for both Season Pass holders and PlayStation 4 Open Beta participants.

Alani Early Access: May 24th starting at 9am PDT for all regions
Alani Official Release: May 31st starting at 9am PDT for all regions

Alani is a member of the Eldrid faction who was raised as a healer but forced to be a warrior, and is all that remains of her order after Rendain's Jennerit Imperium stole the oceans from her world. As a warrior from a planet with vast seas, Alani's attacks and abilities revolve around her power to control water to dish out pain, or heal her fellow Battleborn.

More details on the next DLC hero (the 27th) will be coming soon.

Additionally, this weekend Gearbox and 2K are hosting a Battleborn Double XP event, running from Friday, May 20th at 8am PDT to Wednesday, May 25th at 8am PDT, for players to earn twice the experience points from all Story Mode episodes and Competitive Multiplayer matches.

Join us for a Double XP event in Battleborn! From Friday until Wednesday, you can reap the rewards of earning double Command Rank and Character Rank experience in all Story Mode missions and Competitive Multiplayer matches. This event is global and available to all platforms. All you need to do is jump into battle and bask in double XP glory.

START: Friday, May 20 at 8am PDT
END: Wednesday, May 25th at 8am PDT
