Kodi start gesloten testing en reageerd op de bugs van de Xbox One Versie

RDJ134 6 januari 2018 om 17:32 uur

Een kleine week geleden kregen Xbox One gebruikers een verlaat kerst cadeau in de vorm van Kodi 18 Alpha. Kodi is een media speler die op diverse platformen is te installeren en door zijn modulaire opbouw zeer populair geworden, want het is mogelijk om je eigen plugins te schrijven en daar door kreeg het een beetje slechten naam aangezien er addons verschenen die het mogelijk maakte om illegale content te streamen. Any way, deze alpha versie heeft nog aardig wat bugs en heeft het Kodi team nu het onderstaande bericht naar buiten gebracht met veel gehoorde klachten en maakte ze bekend dat je nu als tester aan de slag kan voor ze.

As explained in our news post on the website, https://kodi.tv/article/kodi-xbox-one, the UWP version of Kodi is built upon the current alpha development version for Kodi v18 Leia and so will have some rough edges, also as a new platform the UWP alpha builds are initially likely to be more buggy than the alpha versions available for the other platforms.

Features not implemented

Accessing remote SMB/samba shares - still working on a solution compatible with UWP limitations
XBOX optical drive - API access is restricted to only Microsoft's own apps

Known issues

Acknowledged bugs
Display output is currently limited to 1080p
Remote control devices do not currently work
Possible audio distortion one live channels
Kodi data not shared between gamertag profiles (seems apps have different settings for each profile)

Can't be fixed
Passthrough audio not working - Not supported by Microsoft for 3rd party apps

Work In Progress
No 24Hz refreshrate switching - requires the SDK used to compile the UWP app to be updated

Screen dims during playback of video - fix in master and will be in next Store update (compiled version at least: 20180105)
Using apps such as Kore to control Kodi does not currently work - fix in master and will be in next Store update (compiled version at least: 20180105)
No access to removable devices - fix in master and will be in next Store update (compiled version at least: 20180105)
UPnP not working - fix in master and will be in next Store update (compiled version at least: 20180105)
Playback of HEVC Main 10 can cause the app to crash - workaround in master

Kodi v18 for XBOX test version registration
We will try to do frequent test version updates to registered users as the "flighted" submission process is much faster than the official store. This way we can get early feedback and crashlogs before we push it to official store. Since this will be a manual step getting you added to the list you may need some patience before you get an update.
Registration from: click here

If you are mentioning an issue always report the compiled version which you can find in the system info panel and a full debug log.
Disclaimer: Your account e-mail address will only be used to add you to the recipient list of these pre-alpha XBOX versions. It will not be used in any other way for communication or registration. Once we have deemed that this list is no longer needed we will completely destroy the list.
