Regisseur Kyle Newacheck over de film Game Over, Man

RDJ134 24 maart 2018 om 16:04 uur

Game Over, Man is een nieuwe Netflix film die je nu bij deze streaming dienst kan vinden. Het verhaal is simpel een crimineel neemt een hotel over en eist geld en drie vrienden die daar werken doen er alles aan om het te stoppen tussen de pop culture verwijzingen door. De website Collider had een interview met de regisseur Kyle Newacheck en daar van kan je hier onder alvast een stukje lezen.

Collider: When you direct a movie like this, how do you keep everyone wrangled together without descending into chaos?

: There's a lot of actors in a lot of scenes together, but I am a fan of chaos, as well. I think chaos is wonderful, as long as you can guide it, which in that case, it wouldn't be pure chaos, but a little chaos, I enjoy. I think good comedy and good energy comes from chaos. So, how do you do it? You push everybody. You're like, "I need you to be really good in this scene. I need you to do your best." I gave everybody homework. All the actors had character work, where they had to write me a story, in their character. Before I even met everybody, everybody had to do that. I wrote 20 questions, as well, that everybody had to answer, so that they knew that I meant business.

People talk a lot about how Netflix hires people because they believe in their specific vision, and that the notes they give are actually helpful. Was that your experience?

: Oh, yeah, they were great. They were really hands off. They stupidly trusted me, on my first movie. I have nothing but love for Big Red. I love 'em! We had a table read and the only note that they gave us afterwards was, "You have to keep Joel coming out of the closet and his friends don't care." We were like, "Okay! That's it? Great! We're also gonna shave a guy's face off, do the whole eating the butt thing, and kill a dog. All that's cool? Great! We're gonna do it!"
