Eric Kripke over The House with a Clock in its Walls

RDJ134 24 september 2018 om 16:06 uur

The House with a Clock in Its Walls is gebaseerd op het gelijknamige boek en is een fantasy video die gaat over het jongetje Lewis die bij zijn oom woont, en waar de hele tijd een tikkende klok is te horen. Deze kan het einde van de wereld in luiden en je begrijpt wel dat dit gaat gebeuren en Lewis en zijn oom de enige zijn die het tegen kunnen houden. In de hoofdrollen zien we Jack Black en Cate Blanchett. Nu had de website Collider een interview met Eric Kriple die het geheel geschreven heeft en daar van kan je nu hier onder een klein stukje lezen. The House with a Clock in Its Walls draait vanaf 27 september in de Nederlandse bioscopen.

When you get to write your favorite kid's book as a movie, is it basically just a dream project?

: Yeah. It was such a pleasure to write because you feel emotionally invested. People throw this phrase around a lot, but it was truly a labor of love. It really was to the point where it was more than I wanted to write it. I felt like I needed to write it, and I would have been really upset had anyone else written it because it meant so much to me. And it did more than that. It set my career on the path that it went. It's because of this book, directly, that I wrote Supernatural. So many of the rules from the world of this book, I took into Supernatural. There's such a direct line between me writing genre, and being a 10-year-old kid and finding this book. It helped me, in so many ways, become the writer that I was. So, to be able to go full circle and actually adapt it, was really important to me. It felt like a promise fulfilled to a chubby 10-year-old me. That book helped me, in a lot ways, and made me realize it was okay to be a little different. I really felt like I owed it to the book to do it right. It was more than a pleasure. It sounds weird to say, but I took it like it was this sacred job I had to do. It was really wonderful.

That's awesome! Obviously, not every book translates well to film, so what was it that made you see a film in this?

To me, it was the tone, more than anything else. I still loved the world, and it spoke to a world that people don't really make as movies anymore, but the thing that I most responded to was that there's this world where there's magic bubbling just beneath the surface. It's this very Midwestern American world that seems very normal, but underneath it is all of this darkness and occult magic, and there was this real danger, even though it was a kid's book. Real people could get hurt, and there was real evil and real stakes out in the world, but it was leavened with this great humor and an incredible amount of heart. If you didn't know any better, you would say that I'm describing Supernatural. That's how directly they are related, and it's that combination that's the reason I was confident Supernatural would work. I said, "That combination of heart and scares just beneath the surface, Midwestern Americana, and humor is gonna work because that was what I remember loving, as a kid."
