The Easiest Way to Install Fortuna on a PS2 Slim Using FreeDVDBoot

RDJ134 18 juli 2020 om 19:35 uur

De afgelopen tijd heb je meerdere berichten kunnen zien over de toepassingen die FreeDVDBoot brengt zoals het modden van je console. Zoals je hier kon zien is het eenvoudig om een FreeMCBoot (softwarematige modchip en homebrew launcher) te maken met een PlayStation 2 slim, maar de SCPH-90000 vielen hier buiten en daar is een andere oplossing voor en daar over verteld Mr.Mario2011 je nu alles in de onderstaande video.

The Fortuna Project is an excellent FreeMCBoot alternative designed to work on all Slim models, including the later SCPH-90000 series systems! Installing Fortuna on a memory card has been made infinitely easier thanks to FreeDVDBoot! This doesn't require you to find a pre-loaded memory card, perform a swap trick, or have a modchip. This method is without a doubt the easiest method of installing Fortuna on a completely unmodified PS2! As long as you have a USB drive on hand and the ability to burn a DVD, you're all set assuming you have a compatible console.

Keep in mind that FreeDVDBoot is completely reliant on the specific DVD Player version your PlayStation 2 has. With time FreeDVDBoot will be ported to work on more consoles, but for the time being you need to make sure your console is on a specific version. At the moment, every Slim console works with this method, with more support expected for Phat consoles.
