Netflix trekt de stekker uit The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance

RDJ134 22 september 2020 om 16:15 uur

Drie jaar geleden kwam Netflix met de serie The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, die zeer goed is ontvangen en zelfs prijzen won. Dus was de meest logische stap om met een volgend seizoen te komen, maar Neflix gotta Netflix YO!! of te wel ze trekken de stekker er uit.... Serieus WTF??

“We can confirm that there will not be an additional season of The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. We know fans are eager to learn how this chapter of The Dark Crystal saga concludes and we'll look for ways to tell that story in the future. Our company has a legacy of creating rich and complex worlds that require technical innovation, artistic excellence, and masterful storytelling. Our history also includes productions that are enduring, often finding and growing their audience over time and proving again and again that fantasy and science fiction genres reflect eternal messages and truths that are always relevant.

We are so grateful to Netflix for trusting us to realize this ambitious series; we are deeply proud of our work on Age of Resistance, and the acclaim it has received from fans, critics and our peers, most recently receiving an Emmy for Outstanding Children's Program.”
