Drie screen shots van Family Guy Online browser game

RDJ134 12 oktober 2011 om 15:38 uur

Tot een kleine tien minuten geleden had ik nog nooit gehoord van de Family Guy Online browser game die er aan zit te komen, maar als een pers bericht al begint met de Awsome Unity Web Player te promoten in de eerste zin heb ik zo iets van.... meh. Maar goed, deze game schijnt later dit jaar nog uit te komen.

All you need is a browser with the awesome Unity Web Player installed, and a web connection of course. You can create a character, become a citizen of virtual Quahog, and play and interact with your friends and favorite show characters.

Family Guy Online will launch exactly later this year, but you can create your character now, with the Character Creator. This is an awesome tool that allows you to create and customize your own Family Guy Online character. The character you create will be the one you play once open beta starts, and if you register now and stuff, you have a much better chance of being part of the closed beta.
