De vijf beste en slechtste punten van The Last of Us

RDJ134 18 juni 2013 om 18:26 uur

Als er niks tussen komt, dan kan je binnenkort hier op het review van The Last of Us vinden. De game is zeer goed ontvangen bij de per en de gamers, maar heeft zijn goede en slechte punten. Daarom heeft deze website de voor en nadelen van The Last of Us op een rij gezet.

It's Possibly One Of The Best-Written Games In Recent Memory

The game isn't immune to some zombie cliches: No points for guessing why Joel winds up taking Ellie across the country. But by and large, it's well-characterized; Ellie is very much a teenage girl, and Joel's not always nice to her. The tutorial in particular does a superb job of explaining Joel's mindset and why, twenty years later, an essentially decent man has become a violent petty criminal with a fairly high body count.

The game's environments are also filled with hints about what happened in a specific area, or to a specific person. Some of the darkest moments in the game are shown to you as you scavenge.

The Game Spawns Enemies Out Of Nowhere

The worst offender in this regard is when you fight your way through the hotel in Pittsburgh; you'll clear an area, move on to a new one, and suddenly a few enemies spawn out of nowhere to come up behind you. Thankfully this is relatively rare, but for a game that's so well balanced and thought out, it's a little surprising Naughty Dog resorted to such a cheap tactic.
