PlayStation Network onderhoud maandag

Gtamen 24 januari 2014 om 11:01 uur

Als je zin hebt om maandag verder te gaan met het hoeren van XP op Call of Duty Ghosts dan moet je even een potje gaan balen, want het PlayStation Network gaat onderhouden krijgen. Natuurlijk kan je zoals altijd gewoon online spelen als je voor het onderhoud inlogt.

Hi everyone. We wanted to take a moment to inform you of a planned network maintenance, currently scheduled for Monday, 27th January from 5.30pm to 11.30pm GMT (6.30pm to 00.30am CET). We expect this maintenance to last approximately 6 hours.
If you've signed in to PlayStation Network any time since 20th January you will be able to play games online and access partner apps such as Netflix during this maintenance period. The PlayStation Store, PlayStation Home and Account Management will not be available during this time, and users may receive a maintenance notification when attempting to access these services.
We thank you for your patience and support and apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. In order to access online gameplay and partner apps during this routine maintenance, we ask that you please sign in to PlayStation Network prior to Monday, 27th January.
